Mutual Aid Masterplan

Urban Revitilization

︎Cambridge, Ontario

Date of Completion: 04–24–2024

︎ School: University of Waterloo
︎ Class: Arch 392 Studio
︎ Tutors: Adrian Blackwell & David Fortin (AAHA)
︎ In Collaboration: Mattan Jin, Orian Broza, and                                 Matylda Schwartz

This urban development proposal is located in the core of the Hespeler Mill Pond site, which is currently an industrial district with empty plots of land and a desperate need for remediation and revitalization. Sheffield Street, a four lane road runs along the south of it fronting a train track that is currently being considered to become a GO Train service line to Toronto.

Our design demand of focus taken from Architects Against Housing Alienation (AAHA) is Mutual Aid, which can be described in short as solidarity, not
charity. It is about creating agency for the neighbourhood to become self-sustaining and support themselves through grassroots organizations, social networks, and landscape. Our master plan includes over 21 mutual aid services integrated into the ground floors of the housing typologies and in the site itself.

The landscaping and pathways of the site are meant to be clear enough to allow users viewpoints through the site, so they can see what services
are available to them, but also provide a sense of irregularity. Buildings are slightly shifted to create a sense of curiosity, axes aren’t quite x and y.
Pedestrian corridors are created, leading to parks, retail strips, and providing a sense of clarity and community.